Thomas Castleman's website.
For the 2019 production of Beauty and the Beast at St. Anne's-Belfield school, I worked together with Mariah Payne to create a digital piece that would enhance the performance.
We decided to build a digital rose animation that would change over the course of the show and augment key scenes with timed visual effects.
For a visual demonstration of the rose, check out this video.
The rose was created using Processing. The actual shapes of the rose petals/stem were transferred into Processing by tracing actual images with the mouse to get coordinates that could be turned into primitive polygons.
There is an unfortunate amount of hard-coded polygon coordinates in the source, but this prompted later work on automatic generation of low poly images.
The following features were implemented:
For the actual production, the rose sketch was projected onto a side wall of the theater, and operated by a crew member up in the catwalk. We simply put Processing on a school laptop and implemented key commands that allowed the operator to control the effects.
Photo courtesy of St. Anne's-Belfield.
Unfortunately, the camera had trouble picking up a clear shot of the the rose, but it was quite crisp in person.
The source is here.